Product Overview
The Japanese anime film, Evangelion: 3.0 + 1.0 Thrice Upon a Time concludes the fourth & final chapter in the Rebuild of Evangelion film series of the Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise. This story follows Misato and her anti-Nerv group Wille as they arrive in Paris, a city now red from core-ization. The main protagonist, Shinji Ikari, is still adrift after losing his will to live, but the place he arrives at teaches him what it means to hope.
This is the first ever release outside of Asia for the Evangelion franchise and the film that Anime fans have been waiting for for over 25 years! The March 2021 Japan premiere grossed more than $86 million dollars with more than 6.3 million attendees – making this the highest grossing movie of the year in Japan and the 35th highest grossing movie of all time.
Best known for his ’90s output with animation studio Gainax – home to the Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series – award-winning Japanese producer and composer Shiro SAGISU bridges the gap between the worlds of sight and sound.
Thrice Upon a Time features an electric original score with 54 tracks by Shiro SAGISU that is definitely worth the wait.