Product Overview
- A1 あの日の川へ = To The River Of That Day 3:54
- A2 夜が来る = The Night Is Coming 4:25
- A3 神々さま = The Gods 3:55
- A4 油屋 = The Bathhouse 3:56
- A5 不思議の国の住人 = People In The Wonderland 3:20
- B1 さみしい さみしい = Lonely, Lonely 3:41
- B2 ソリチュード = Solitude 3:49
- B3 海 = The Sea 3:22
- B4 白い竜 = White Dragon 3:33
- B5 千尋のワルツ = Chihiro's Waltz 3:20